stay safe on the road while riding your motor bike

Minimising the risk when riding

by | Jan 29, 2023 | Motorcycle Saftey

I want to speak about minimising risk to ourselves when we ride.

An accident by definition is something that is: an undesirable or unfortunate happening, anything that happens unexpectedly, without design or by chance. I don’t believe the vast majority of crashes fit this definition. Our human nature always blames everyone or everything else for our mistakes. ie: other drivers, road conditions etc, but the only one who can let me crash is me. We can’t change the unsafe conditions, but we can have control over our unsafe acts.

I know there are circumstances out of our control, but if we are vigilant with our observation, scanning, anticipation, space management, eye contact, blind spot awareness, road position, correct mirror use, etc we are much more likely to make it for a few more years. Unfortunately these practices are common sense when explained, but they are not common practice!

I have done alot of work training semi & B-double drivers, mostly with millions of kilometres behind them. I often have a fair bit of resistance from the drivers when they have to have a trainer in with but quite often at the end of the day shake my hand and say thanks & tell me they learnt a lot today.

Remember no one knows it all” (I’m pointing at me now) and it doesn’t matter how long you have been driving it is our attitude, combined with a teachable mind, which allows us to keep learning & keep getting better at whatever we do and see.

Cheers, SEE you on the road. Head back to Home Page
