Roadskills Gympie Q Ride - Mark 0438 764 662

Hang Back

by | Jun 21, 2023 | Motorcycle Saftey

One of the most important aspects of being a good rider is keeping good space between you and the rider in front.  Many people think they need 2-3 car lengths or less than 1 second space but that doesnt even account for our reaction time let alone our braking time.

A good space ranges from 2-4 seconds depending on the conditions. If you are following behind another rider and riding staggered, (not a temporary mental state!) 2 seconds is sufficient.  If following other vehicles 3 seconds is much better. In adverse conditions, bad weather or being tailgated, 4 seconds is necessary. This allows for reaction time and braking distance if something happens.

Our reaction distance is often longer than our braking distance depending on speed. The braking distance on most bikes is similar to cars depending on size, weight and grip for both; however most riders think that a bike will stop faster. I am happy to accept a challenge if anyone disbelieves, because a learner in an ABS car will stop faster than most experienced riders can.

The inclusion of ABS on many late model bikes is a great addition but we still need to allow for our reaction time when needing to stop.  This is why on our Advanced Courses we spend approx. 20% of the day getting the riders to brake close to the limit of the bike, depending on the riders’ ability.

The only way we can allow ourselves enough time to react and brake starts with looking ahead and keeping space.

Cheers, SEE you out there on the road. Back to Home Page
